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( poza)

  • 1 poza eman

    to comfort, to console

    Euskara-ingeles hiztegi berria > poza eman

  • 2 poz

    [from Lat. "gaudium"] iz.
    a. joy, delight, happiness, thrill; \poz {bete || oso} fulness of joy; \poz bizi great joy; \pozaren \pozez out of sheer delight;; \pozaren \pozez negarrari eman zion she started crying out of sheer {joy || delight}; \pozaren \pozez dago he's absolutely delighted; \pozaren \pozez jauzika jumping for joy; \pozez gainezka dago he's beside himself with joy | he's overjoyed | he's ecstatic; \poza dariola jubilantly; i-i \poza ekarri to bring {joy || happiness} to sb; i-i \poza eman to gladden sb | to make sb glad | to cheer sb up; \pozezeko malkorrak tears of joy; bere barruko \poza gorde ezinik unable to contain her happiness welling up inside; hau \poza nirea! how delighted I am!; \pozez gainezka dago he's beside himself with joy | he's overjoyed | he's ecstatic; Tuterako ikastolaren inaurguraketak \pozez betetzen gaitu we are pleased by the inauguration of the new school in Tudela ; hau \poza! how delightful!; galtzearen estuasuna nabaritu dut, garaipenaren \poza aurretik I experienced the agony of defeat before the thrill of victory
    b. [ izen plurala ] \pozak delights; gure \pozak putzura, amets zoroen modura (atsot.) God send you joy for sorrow will come fast enough (atsot.)
    c. [ izenen aurrean ] joy-, happiness-, of joy, of happiness; \poz-adurretan hartu zuen eskainitakoa he took what was on offer with great delight; \poz- eta negar-iturria, bihotz barnean dago the souce of joy and sorrow lie within one's heart
    2. ( pozbidea, poz-iturria) happiness, joy; zu, Ainhoa, nire \poz bakarra you, Ainhoa, are my only joy adb. glad; \poz direnak those who are glad; geure buruarekin benetan \pozago egon nahi badugu, maitasunezko ekintzak egin behar ditugu if we really want to feel better about ourselves, we should do deeds of kindness

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > poz

  • 3 adierazi

    iz. (H. Jak.) meaning du/ad.
    1. ( aditzera eman, e.a.)
    a. to state, declare; auzitegian ez zekiela \adierazi zuen in court he stated that he didn't know ; gizon hura ikusi zuela \adierazi zuen (s)he stated that (s)he had seen that man
    b. ( jakinarazi, ezagutarazi) to let (sb) know, notify, convey
    c. ( egin litekeena, litekeen ideia, e.a.) to suggest; zer adierazten dizu argazki horrek? what does that photograph suggest to you?
    d. ( zifra, egitate) to quote, five, state; txekearen zenbakia \adierazi behar duzu you must {give || quote || state} the number of the cheque
    a. ( iritzia, ideia) to express, verbalize; gero hasi zen bakoitz bere eritzia adierazten then each one began expressing his opinion; bere barrengo sentimenduak \adierazi zituen artearen bidez he expressed his innermost feelings through art; nahi dutena elkarri ezin \adieraziz unable to {convey || communicate} to each other what they want; ez dute beren iritzi politikoak adierazterik they can't express their political views; guztion iritziak nahiko ongi \adierazi ditu he's voiced the opinions of us all quite well; "Weltanschauung" euskaraz nola adieraz genezake? how could we express "Weltanschauung" in Basque?; gaizki \adierazi duzu you've worded it wrong; \adierazi ezinezko gogoetak inexpressable thoughts; ezin \adierazi den poza an undescribable happiness
    b. ( teoria, e.a.) to explain, expound on
    c. ( ideia, burutapena, e.a.) to word, put, phrase
    d. ( esan nahi) to say, express; txostenak ez du horrela \adierazi baina halaxe da the report doesn't {say || express} it like that but that's how it is | the report doesn't say so in so many words but that's how it is; zer \adierazi nahi duzu horrekin? what do you mean by that?
    e. to word, put, phrase; ez duzu ongiegi \adierazi you didn't phrase very well; beste moduan \adierazita zegoen it was worded {differently || in a different way}
    3. ( ezeren seinale edo ikurra izan) to express, represent, denote, depict; batuketa adierazteko "+" ikurra erabiltzen da the symbol "+" is used to express addition
    4. ( iragarri) to announce, declare
    5. ( itxuratu) to represent, embody; proiektu horrek adierazten du gure itxaropena that project represents our hope io.
    a. audible, discernable; oihu \adieraziak distinct shouts
    b. ( istorioa, ipuina, kanta) remarkable, extraordinary
    2. ( ulergarria) intelligible, understandable, comprehensible

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > adierazi

  • 4 ezusteko

    1. surprise; \ezusteko handia izan zen it came as a great surprise; ez dut \ezustekorik nahi I don't want any surprises; Jeltsin \ezustekoz beterik dago Yeltsin is full of surprises
    2. bombshell, shock io.
    1. ( harrigarria) surprising, unexpected, unforeseen; \ezusteko poza eman zion that unexpectedly made her happy
    2. accidental

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ezusteko

  • 5 gozamen

    a. enjoyment, pleasure, delight; hau \gozamena! what a delight!; lurreko aberastasun eta \gozamen guztiak all of the worldly possessions and pleasures
    b. ( poza) happiness, enjoyment
    2. Fin. interest
    3. ( jabegoa) property, possession, use; jabetza hutsa semearentzat gelditzen da; \gozamena, berriz, gurasoentzat the son remains in absolute possession; the parents, on the other hand, have use thereof
    4. love

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gozamen

  • 6 ilusio

    1. illusion; \ilusio optiko optical illusion
    2. ( itxaropena) hope; haren \ilusio bakarra eskolan berriz hastea zen her only hope was to start over in school
    3. ( poza) happiness, thrill; \ilusio handia egin zion zure eskutitzak your letter thrilled her

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ilusio

  • 7 zorion

    1. ( zorte ona) luck, fortune, providence
    2. ( poza) happiness, bliss, delight; Tormesko itsumutilaren bizitza eta \zorion-zorigaitzak the life and adventures of Lazarillo Tormes; horrek \zoriona ekarri zien that brought them good luck; ez zuen beraz izan martiri hiltzeko \zoriona thus he didn't have the fortune to die a martyr; dirua ez da \zoriona, baina haren atzetik gabiltza gehienok money isn't happiness but that's what most of us are after ; \zorionez beterik ecstatic | overjoyed
    3. \zorionak [ izen plurala ]
    a. congratulations; \zorionak berriz ere Agirre jauna once again congratulations Mr. Agirre; har bitzate gure \zorionik beroenak please accept our most cordial congratulations
    b. ( Gabonetan) \zorionak eta Urteberri On Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
    c. ( urtebetetzea) birthday; "\zorionak zuri" "Happy Birthday to you"; bihar nire \zorionak dira Argot. tomorrow's my birthday
    d. [izenen aurrean] \zorion-agurrik gartsuena urteburu honetan our most cordial congratulations for the end of the year
    5. Kristau. beatitude; zortzi \zorionak the eight beatitudes

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zorion

  • 8 idoi

    charco, balsa, poza,/ barro, fango,/ ultraje, agravio

    Glosario Euskera Español > idoi

См. также в других словарях:

  • poza — I {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. ż Ia, CMc. pozazie; lm D. póz {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} ułożenie ciała; postawa, pozycja : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Ćwiczyła przed lustrem różne pozy. Znieruchomiał w nienaturalnej… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • poză — PÓZĂ, poze, s.f. 1. Atitudine pe care cineva şi o impune; ţinută, poziţie. ♢ expr. A( şi) lua o poză = a adopta o atitudine afectată pentru a produce impresie. ♦ (Rar) Fel, mod, chip, procedeu. 2. (pop. şi fam.) Fotografie. ♦ Ilustraţie,… …   Dicționar Român

  • poza — POZÁ, pozez, vb. I. 1. intranz. A lua o anumită atitudine spre a servi de model unui pictor sau unui sculptor sau spre a fi fotografiat. ♦ (peior.) A şi studia gesturile, a lua o atitudine afectată pentru a produce impresie, pentru a epata. 2.… …   Dicționar Român

  • poza — pozà dkt. Juoki̇̀nga, patogi̇̀ pozà …   Bendrinės lietuvių kalbos žodyno antraštynas

  • poza — statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Sportininko stovėsena dažniausiai bendrojo kūno masės centro projekcijai esant šiek tiek prieš atramos paviršiaus centrą. Poza leidžia geriausiai laikyti kūno pusiausvyrą, kai veikia išorinės… …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • poza — (De pozo). 1. f. Charca o concavidad en que hay agua detenida. 2. Sitio o lugar donde el río es más profundo. 3. Balsa para empozar y macerar el cáñamo o el lino. lamer la poza. fr. coloq. Ir poco a poco chupando el dinero a alguien con arte y… …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • pòzāđe — sr sve ono što čini drugi i sljedeće planove u smjeru u kojem se gleda; pozadina …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • poza — póza ž DEFINICIJA 1. stav, položaj tijela [zauzela je baletnu pozu] 2. namješteno, neprirodno, proračunato, usiljeno držanje FRAZEOLOGIJA s pozom (koga) nastupati tako da se ostavi dojam koga ili čega izabranim riječima, držanjem, pokazivanjem… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • poza — statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Kūno dalių padėtis viena kitos atžvilgiu, laikysena. kilmė pranc. pose< lot. pausa – sustojimas, pertrauka atitikmenys: angl. posture; stance vok. Haltung, f; Körperhaltung, f; Stellung, f… …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • poza — statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Nenatūralus, manieringas elgesys, puikavimasis. kilmė pranc. pose< lot. pausa – sustojimas, pertrauka atitikmenys: angl. posture; stance vok. Haltung, f; Körperhaltung, f; Stellung, f rus.… …   Sporto terminų žodynas

  • poza — I ż IV, CMs. pozie 1. lm D. póz «układ postaci, ułożenie ciała, postawa» Niedbała, wymuszona, zalotna poza. 2. blm «przesada w zachowaniu się, afektacja, nienaturalność, maniera» Ta nieśmiałość to poza. II «przyimek łączący się z rzeczownikami… …   Słownik języka polskiego

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